Dear TLS Parents,
I trust that this message finds you in good health and high spirits.
Firstly, I would like to thank all the parents for their sincere cooperation with Team TLS in the year gone by. I strongly believe that a firm foundation of three way handshake among the three stakeholders i.e. parents-school-students is utmost important for the complete and harmonious development of a student's personality. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children's success so that they keep winning little victories day by day, with us by their sides as their best CHEERLEADERS!
Here are some highlights of the year gone by:

Launch of TLS Mascot-Why a Mascot?
The intent of having a mascot arose from the idea of having a common label for all students, alumni, and faculty that would further create a sense of belongingness. The reason of having Tiger as TLS Mascot, is ofcourse poetic as both words share a common beginning letter. However, the main cause were the qualities that a TIGER possesses i.e Strength, intelligence, beauty, being active and agile. When I look at our children, a desire of having all these qualities and more, led us to the creation of TLS TIGERS.
Say NO to Plastic Bags
An endeavor towards saying NO to plastic bags was initiated this year with a circulation of cloth bags to all of you. The intent behind this conscious move was to make our children conscious of the damage that we, as humans cause, to our Mother Nature. Also the school started using biodegradable disposable bags and sugarcane eco friendly thalis (TLS Café) to promote the idea. I believe that real education is when we use our knowledge derived from books, to create something substantial, that makes this world a better place to live in. The initiative also supports our Core Value 'Sensitivity', thus I would humbly request all the parents to take the idea forward at homes, to make it a real success.
Students' Achievements
Nothing makes us more happy than seeing our children achieving phenomenal success in life. I believe each child of TLS has unmatched potential to do things that are challenging and seem near to impossible. With a school average of 85.5% in Class 10 Board Examinations to Kanak who won Silver for India
in Asian Games to Yashwi Shukla and Rishabh Jain who secured AIR #1 and #2 in Mental Math World Cup 2023, the success stories are many and a testimony to the hardwork and dedication of Team TLS. With the continued support of the parents, Team TLS is determined to deliver innumerable success stories in future too.
We belong to TLS and TLS belongs to us
I firmly believe that a family that plays and celebrates together, stays together.An overwhelming response to The Great TLS Marathon and Dandiya Night, left us spellbound and delighted. I want to thank all the parents for being an important factor for bringing positivity in the campus through their gracious presence in these events. We are extremely excited for our next celebration together-Shri Tyohaar on 13th January 2024, with an intent to celebrate Lohri and Makar Sakranti and welcoming the new year, together!
Warm Wishes for Christmas and New Year
As we close the school for Winter Break,on behalf of each member of Team TLS,I extend heartfelt wishes and blessings to you and your loved ones. May the coming year be filled with new opportunities accomplishments, and moments of joy for each member of our TLS community.
New Year message for my beloved children
This new year, try to break a bad habit, learn a new skill, read a new book and do ONE good deed every day. Learn to be more active and aware, see the good, forgive soon, respect your elders and love everyone.
Warm Regards,
Mayank Karan Hooda
Director's, TLS Rohtak